The young, society and the median in the coming millennium

São Paulo
São Paulo is one of Brazil’s cultural capitals and one of the largest cities in the world, with 9.8 million inhabitants. Located in southeastern Brazil, it is 760 meters high and 429 km far from Rio de Janeiro.
Its climate is tropical (average annual temperature = 19ºC) and clear water (although cold) beaches can be found less than 100 km away.
São Paulo is also the richest city in the country. Its economy boomed during late 19th century as a result of widespread coffee growing, railroads and European immigration.
French, German and English immigrants (who built the first luxury hotels) were followed by Syrian, Lebanese and Arab traders, as well as Jews from all over Europe.
The Japanese arrived in 1908, and the city hosts today the greatest ‘nissei’ (Japanese immigrants’ children) community in the country, especially at Liberdade neighborhood, a sushi open temple.
Another important temple of good cooking developed by immigrants is pizza: Italians arrived in the second half of last century and, by performing trading and manufacturing activities, supplied the first labor levy, which transformed São Paulo into the country’s manufacturing capital. The 50’s introduced the car industry and the first International Biennial Art Exhibition, which definitely changed the cultural and economic profile.
However, the aesthetic, gastronomic pleasure provided by the excitement of museums, movie theaters, bookstores, malls and restaurants is affected today by the agony resultant from everyday traffic jams, sometimes over 100 km long.

Official name: Federative Republic of Brazil
Language: Portuguese
Population in 95: 159.5 million
Area: 8,547,403 km2
Literacy rate in 93: 83%
Currency: real (US$ 1 = R$ 1.06)
Minimum salary: RS 112,00
Religion: Catholicism (70%)
Infant death rate: 55 out of one thousand alive at birth
Communications: (number of devices by one thousand inhabitants)
   telephones: 74
   cellular phones: 12.7
   televisions: 290
   computers: 10
   computers linked to Internet: 0.12
Government form: federative republic
Government system: presidential
Head of State (and of Government): Fernando Henrique Cardoso (since 1995)
